Eight months ago, because of the new job, I had to accept the challenge of studying English again.  This was a real headache for me.  I didn’t have any confidence, and wasn’t particularly interested in English.

Like everyone in China, I have studied English on and off for many years, ever since primary school.  I’ve never enjoyed the process, and my poor pronunciation has always made me ashamed to speak.

But sometimes, especially in certain work situations, there is no escape.  English was really important for my new job, so I had no choice but to force myself to start studying again. This time I worked really hard and was lucky enough get into a special pilot program that used neo.  This trial lasted for 6 months in the first half of 2018 during which I practiced for half an hour almost every day. If you can imagine, I completed 11,987 listening exercises and spoke 14,533 speech recognition sentences?  Such intensive practice helped my English improve so much that during my follow-up face-to-face coaching sessions I could not only clearly understand the teacher’s questions, but also actually open my mouth to answer and communicate with her.  Now I’m continuing to study neo and my confidence and interest are back.